Article - 4

                   Article 4.         EXECUTIVE   COMMITTEE

****Composition:   SO (GHQ, State and Block is subordinate to Inn-pi) and

                                      SYO (GHQ, State and Block is subordinate to SO). 


           Advisers, President, and Vice Presidents,

                                     General Secretary, and Joint Secretary,

                                     Finance Secretary, and Treasurer,

                                     Secretary for Media & Publicity,

                                     Secretary for Custom & Culture,  

                                     Secretary for welfare (Home and Safety),

                                     Secretary for Education, Games & Sports.  

                                     Secretary Statistics cum Right to Information.                                  

****Election: Above portfolios are elected by the General Assembly except State Vice Presidents and Departmental Secretaries. All or one of the elected member may be re-elected or replaced or ban.


                               4.1. SO (GHQ, State and Block) Executive Committee

                               4.2. SYO (GHQ, State, and Block) Executive Committee

[4.1(i)]. Advisers (GHQ):

[A] Number shall not exceed two. They shall be elected by General Assembly.

[B] Advisers shall be in touch with the Executive Committee in all matters.

[C] Advisers have the right to question or give advice to the executive committee members in matters concerning the organization.

[D] Advice given shall be unanimous.

[E] Advisers may occasionally meet to sort out differences or controversial issues of SO.

[4.1(ii)]. President (GHQ): Functions:

[A]   President heads its Executives and gives directives.

[Ai]  President’s decisions shall be final after consultation with the Executive Members.

[Aii] He may or may not consult the Advisers unless indicated but shall inform the events that have taken place or going to take place (within or outside organization).


[B] President shall be fluent in Thadou and English or more.


[C] No financial transaction shall be passed without President and Executives’ approval.

[Ci] SO President shall be empowered to sanction a sum of rupees twenty or more per annum toward office expenses.

 [Cii]  In emergency situations (related to natural calamities and violence against the clan) the Executive Committee shall decide the amount to be sanctioned depending on treasury. In case the treasury fails to meet the need the General Assembly shall call a GBM.  


[D] President shall inform the Vice-Presidents and General Secretary for leave of illness or absence. He shall set good example not otherwise.


[E] He shall maintain calmness and rationality in time of difference of opinions on issues discussed. He may adjourn such a meeting or draw a conclusion with majority vote. 


[F] There shall be no rule for an ex-president be an ex-officio member. The fact is that he may be re-elected or disqualified.


[G] In his absence all the vice presidents shall function as one body in addition to their regular state level responsibilities or select one acting President among them.


[H] He and Finance Secretary and Treasurer shall be Joint-drawing and disbursing officers of all financial transaction approved by the Executive Committee. He shall prepare agenda for discussion in all meetings.

[I] The President updates himself about the performance of state SOs and SYO (GHQ) and give directions as required. Matters of Land, Office property, Ethnic clashes, Fund drive, and Employed Singsits are also his responsibility.  

[ 4.1(iii)]. Vice Presidents:

[A] They are state SO Presidents with separate Joint Executive Secretaries in subordination to and appoint by SO (GHQ) Executive Committee Members.

[B] State SO shall assist the SO (GHQ) in program making and planning (both short and long terms) and in the maintenance of SO properties.

[C] The State SO Presidents shall choose an acting SO President in his absence and shall be fully accountable.

[D] Home affairs are fully under the State SO Presidents’ accountability but can be questioned or give directives by the Executive Committee (GHQ) as depicted in the Flow-Chart.

[E] State SO Presidents shall consult SO (GHQ) before making any decision. They shall cooperate with state level SYO activities by providing ways and means in the development of quality education and games & sports and social obligatory activities. The objectives shall be carried out through mutual cooperation and understanding.

[F] The source of fund shall be from respective state Govt. Employees and well-wishers p.a. Two tenth or more of their income shall belong to the GHQ fund.

[G] State SO shall take up all matters concerning state SO and endorse with SO (GHQ). 

[4.1(iv)]. Gen. Secretary:

[A] He/She shall be available in all meetings and discussions and record them. He/She shall be a person who is fluent both in Thadou and English or more.

[B] He/She shall maintain the documents and records of the organization.

[C] He shall act as the spokesperson and announce the decisions and policy of S.O.

[D] He shall discharge the works assigned by the Executive Committee members. In his absence, the Joint Secretary shall perform all his duties in equal capacity.

[E] In the case of exit, Executive Committee members shall appoint a new Secretary or promote the joint secretary to Secretary General immediately on a temporary basis till next General Assembly election.   

[4.1(v)]. Joint Secretary:

*Preferably a woman shall be the joint secretary. If no woman candidate is available a male joint secretary can be an option.

*Both Secretary General and Joint secretary shall work together and render help to each other.

*In the case of illness or exit, Executive Committee members shall appoint immediately a new Joint Secretary till the next GBM election.   

[4.1(vi)]. Finance Secretary:

[A] He/she shall be a person of integrity and vigilance. He shall present annual budget in GBM for approval.

[B] He shall maintain cash book, receipt and vouchers in consultation with the treasurer. He shall be responsible and accountable for all financial transactions and relevant matters.

[C] He shall update the president and Executive Committee about the financial position from time to time. He/she shall update himself/herself of the financial status  in collaboration with the treasurer. This is a mandatory.     

[4.1(vii)]. Treasurer:

 [A] He shall be a seasoned person in money matters and a person of integrity. Preferably he shall be from trustworthy background because he is the cash Custodian of the organization.

[B] He shall record all financial transactions in cash book(s) in consultation with the Finance Secretary. He shall receive, make cash payment, deposit in bank account at the earliest (within seven days of receiving the amount if all is well).

[C] He shall also discharge other works assigned by the Executive Committee members as required.  

[4.1(viii)]. Secretary Media and Publicity:

[A] He/she shall meet media person(s), making available matters concerning “right to information”, publishing news, articles, photos and make documentations.

[B] He shall be responsible for updating the website with academic information, job vacancy, results of competitive exams etc. Social networking account, face-book, WhatsApp etc.

[4.1(ix)]. Secretary Welfare, Custom & Culture: 

[Aa]  Welfare includes

(Aai). family set up (Basic needs, Health, Finance),

(Aaii) security of property and life from acts of atrocity and anti-social elements etc.

These are the priorities of this organization.

[Ab] Custom also means traditional practices behavioral norms of a community setup e.g. bride price, luongman, divorce penalty, burial of dead, tattoos (bil-vu, body marking etc.), dress, ornaments, day of celebration and mourning, eldest son head-count and heir, status of divorcee and “Nao-pui”, dahpi-dahcha, khi-chuong, khiba, hiemkham, salam-sad, kituineh, etc.   


[Ac] Culture is the artistic and intellectual pursuits and products (refinement toward excellence) from the past and present and the future, (e.g. respect for elders, speaking by standing before a gathering, giving up seat for the elderly and carrying-mothers in a bus, use of respectful words with humility, enthusiastic but un-noisy conversations, etc.) 


[B] The Secretary is responsible for bridging the old and the new concepts. He/she shall be well informed about the customs of the clan and other clans.


[C] He shall attempt to synchronize traditions with the Christian teachings in consultation with experts in both the fields (Theologians and Anthropologists).

The identity of a community is its custom and culture; its quality is educational achievements.       

[4.1(x)]. Secretary Statistics:

[A] He/she shall maintain old and new records for future reference.

[B] He shall update general census, of employees (secular and religion), students and keep record of names of the meritorious persons in the field of education and sports and Govt. services. He shall also update names of Singsit Chiefship villages.

[C] He shall also discharge other duties assigned by the Executive Committee. 

The tenure shall be three years. GBM may seek advice from Advisers.


                                 4.2. SYO (


                                        4.2.[1]  SYO (GHQ)

It is subordinate to SO (GHQ) and elected by General Assembly as follows:

[4.2.1A]. Advisers (two) shall be appointed by SYO (GHQ):

[4.2.1B]. President heads all State SYOs  

[4.2.1C]. Each Vice President shall head each State and Block SYOs.  

[4.2.1D]. Secretaries: (General Secretary, State wise Secretaries) for Education and Library, Games and sports and the likes, Finance and Treasurer. Secretaries shall carry out their respective functions in all programs conducted by GHQ or State SYOs or combined.  

[4.2.1E]. SYO shall strive to achieve a two pronged goals: one for Students and one for Youths.

[4.2.1F]. Students shall focus on Academic Quality Education and organize inter-state Workshops and Seminars in different subjects. Competent Resource Persons shall be selected.

[4.2.1G]. SYO should involve in Thadou Literature through academic excellence and in writing skills and translation works.   

[4.2.1H SYO President and Executives shall together decide on any financial matter based on requirement and adopt good financial policies. 

[4.2.II] SYO and SO shall function side by side without contention. They shall discuss separately and objectively the issues of their respective jurisdiction.

[4.2.1J]. Joint Actions Committee is mandatory in common issues like: 

rape, human trafficking, murdered, kidnaps


If the event is within the state, legal expert’s help shall be sought first.

If it is outside State, help from Govt. and other organizations shall be sought.

If Culprit(s) belongs to the clan, an appropriate disciplinary action is meted by customary law or by the law of the land shall be in force. 


                             4.2.[2]   State SYO:

It is subordinate to SYO (GHQ). Office-bearers are as follows:

Advisers, President, Vice Presidents, State wise Secretaries for Education cum Library, Games & Spots and the likes, Finance and Treasurer.


 [4.2.2(i)] Advisers:

[A] Advisers shall be two. The two elected SYO Advisers may work as a unit or divide SYO in two jurisdictions for each to supervise but undivided in matters of advice.

[B] They are appointed by SYO (GHQs). Their functions shall be chalked out by the SYO (GHQ).  In situations one of them may be replaced.  

[C] Both advisers shall function as one unit. Their decision shall be unanimous.

[D] For convenience, two jurisdictions can be adopted. They shall update each other about each jurisdiction. No blame-game shall exist for any lapses. They shall be passive administrators of State SYOs.     

[E] At times they may invite Executives for an informal cup of tea and enquire or give advice about the State SYO activities

[4.2.2(ii)]. President:

State SYO Presidents are the Vice Presidents of SYO (GHQ) and is a link between States and GHQ and are appointed by SO and SYO (GHQs).  

[A] Head of respective State SYOs. He shall exercise similar functions as SO vice presidents at State level.

[B] He can take disciplinary action in consultation with Other State level Presidents.

[C] He shall prepare agenda for discussion at Executive meetings. He shall attend to all issues of SYO at state level.

[D] He shall be in touch with all dept. secretaries and treasurer of his state.     

 [4.2.2(iii)]. Vice Presidents:

[A] The State Vice President shall be elected by the State SYO members. He shall be the acting President during President’s absence.  

[B] All the State Vice presidents shall function as one unit in dealing different or similar issues of the state.

[C] State SYO Office-bearers shall resolve issues and appoint Block Care-Taker.

Unresolved issue(s) shall be taken up by State SO or refer to SO (GHQ).      

 [D] If combined SYO activities are conducted, funds shall be pooled in from every state SYO.

[E] State SYO shall manage its own expenses for Office rent, allowances, and program expenses

 [4.2.2 (iv)]. Secretary Education and Library:

                            (A) By Education we mean: Academic qualification, Personality Development and professional Competency.

(A i) He/she shall keep up to date information about Education in the state and outside the state.

(A ii) He/she shall seek help from all possible sources in planning educational programs.

(A iii) He/she shall organize Workshops and Seminars on academic interest and development of Thadou Literature.

(A iv) Secy. shall shortlist the best colleges in India and abroad. He/she shall provide information regarding the time of admission and fee structures.


(A v) Academic Qualification:

Every Singsit student shall choose professional oriented subjects in academic career.  


(A vi) Personality Development:

Achieved through Physical fitness, Mental proficiency and Communication skills


(A vii) Professional Competency: Every Singsit professional shall be competent and law abiding.

(A viii) The state SO and SYO shall plan and conduct Educational and Games & Sports Activities. They shall submit their proposals in writing to the President SO through the Secretary General for assistance or directives as the case may be.        


                                           (B) Mobile Library:

[A library is essential for students aspiring excellence (competitive exams. etc.). Many Singsit families are not economically sound yet many promising students are born. These students need assistance in cash or kind. The cost effective way of helping these students is Mobile Library]


[Bi] The Secretary shall organize a Mobile Library and issue standard text books and magazines under Library Rules. No penalty for damaged books when return but lost books shall be replaced in cash or kind. SYO shall take the responsibility of issuing and retrieving of books. SYO Office shall also serve as Library.


[Bii] Books for the Library shall be financed by philanthropists on donation basis either in kind or in cash. Books issued shall be returned after the purpose is served in good condition.


[Biii] Record of Books in the custody, issued or returned shall be well maintained. No old or damaged book(s) shall be discarded until donors agree to do so. The donors shall replace the damaged or outdated books. Record of books shall be maintained properly.  


                                 [4.2.2(v)]. Secretary Games & Sports sand the likes:

By Games & Sports we mean: Physical and Mental Fitness by Training.

[A] The secretary shall provide the needful either by materials or enrolment in the gyms.

[B] In the case of issuing the materials terms and conditions shall be the same with Library books. Purchase of spots materials shall be undertaken by the philanthropic donors. Gym fees shall be on subsidy basis (25% shall be borne by SYO).

[C] Sports materials shall not be interchanged and a record book shall be well maintained. Secretary is accountable for irregularities.    

[D] Handicraft: The talented students/youth shall be selected and send for training.

[E] Communication Skill: It is a must for all Singsit Youths. Workshops and Seminars help develop this skill.

                                    [4.2.2(vi)]. Secretary Finance: 

[A] He/she shall be a person of integrity and vigilance.

[B] He/she shall present annual budget in the executive meeting for approval.

[C] He/she shall maintain cash book, receipt and vouchers in consultation/verification with treasurer. He/she is accountable for misappropriations and other relevant matters.

[D] He/she shall update the Executive Committee from time to time.

[E] He/she is responsible for planning, budgetary and fund drive.

 [F] Seminars on monetary management skill shall be conducted from time to time.

Above are mandatory.

                                    [4.2.2(vii)]. Treasurer:

[A] Each State Treasurer is appointed by State SYO.

[B] He shall be a seasoned person and integrity in money matters


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