



We, the genealogical descendents of Singsit namely,   

Phohil, Singson, Sitkil and Thomsong, 

having solemnly resolved in unity to have a clannish order of administration system,

do hereby adopt, enact and give ourselves this Constitution based on the following principles:


     (1) By the Singsits, For the Singsits and Of the Singsits


      (2) “Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity”

identical to the “fundamental rights and duties”

of the Indian Constitution.


(3)  Biblical Truth shall be the basis of our Faith and Ethics.     


(4)  Traditional “Hierarchical system” is adopted as follow:

Singsit Inn-pi is the apex body to both S.O (GHQ) and SYO (GHQ).

(This tri-pod body acts as Commander-in-Chief).   


on this day, the….. ..(date)……… (month) 201… (year) A.D.      


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